Help Therapy will be utilizing an internal EHR system to offer veteran appointments.  This is being done to increase the communication with veterans prior to the appointment by sending additional appointment reminders via email and text message.

Scheduling Your Veteran Appointment

You will receive veteran appointment offers in your email.  They will look like this:

Step 1: To view the appointment offer, click on "Open Document"

Step 2: Enter verification code that is sent to your phone to open the appointment information

Step 3: View Veteran appointment details:

Step 4: If you would like to offer an appointment click on "Click to Offer Veteran Appointment" highlighted in the header.


If you do not have availability, simply respond to the original email that you received with "no appointment availability" and end the process.

Step 5: Fill in the appointment details on the form and click "Submit Form"

If you would like us to send the link to your URL for the appointment, please type it in "Telehealth URL"

Step 6: We will take care of the rest!