It may at times be appropriate to screen your clients for Alcohol and Drug Abuse.  During these cases, you can bill for these screenings (keep in mind the time element for these tools) using the codes:


Annual Depression Screening (15-30 mins) PHQ-9


Alcohol/Drug Abuse Assessment (15-30 minutes) PMQ- R/DAST-10


Alcohol/Drug Abuse Assessment (15-30 minutes) PMQ- R/DAST-10


Alcohol/Drug Abuse Assessment (15-30 minutes) PMQ- R/DAST 10

Some screening tools that can be used for these encounters include:

1. PHQ-9: Depression Screening
2. CAGE: Alcohol Screen (can be adapted to CAGE-AID to include substance abuse)
3. DAST-10: Drug Abuse Screening
4. DAST-20: Extended Drug Abuse Screening

Templates of all of these screening tools are attached to this document.